University  Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani

Category: Drink

Short description: HEIJUS is 100% unfiltered apple juice with added super herbs (lemongrass, matcha, peppermint, …).

HEIJUS is 100% unfiltered apple juice with added super herbs. We are on a mission to bring healthier beverage options to consumers with sustainable packaging and ingredient sourcing in mind. HEIJUS is made exclusively from fresh local apples and unfiltered, which is why it preserves most of the useful nutritional value of the apple. The quality of our product is also proven by a certificate of best quality in Slovenia. The ingredients that make HEIJUS stand out are herbs, which we add to our “base”, to achieve unique, better and fuller flavour. Until now, we have developed four flavours: UNFILTERED APPLE, APPLE AND LEMONGRASS, APPLE AND PEPPERMINT, APPLE AND MATCHA.

Herb infused flavours compliment the sweetness of apple juice nicely and our newest flavour "apple and matcha" is our first "energy HEIJUS" because it contains a considerable amount of natural caffeine.

Shelf life of HEIJUS is one year. Our main channels are premium bars and restaurants, supermarkets and other health stores. We sell HEIJUS in one portion – 200 ml bottles with different fun fact on each one. The main advantages of HEIJUS juice over the competition are:

- it is freshly squeezed, 100% natural and unfiltered,

- it is made locally, from fresh apples grown in the area,

- we add it all-natural healthy herbs, but no flavorings or sugars,

- our packaging (glass bottle, aluminum cap, paper label) is completely recyclable,

- we only cooperate with herb suppliers that meet our ethical standards.


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