Association of Food Industry Professionals from Romania, in education, research and production - A.S. I. A. R. Members are prominent participants in the field profile: 15 universities, 3 research institutes, 3 professional associations, 3 pre-university educational institutions, 9 companies, and 340 individuals. Association promotes correct principles in carrying out production and food security, healthy eating principles and consumers’ education. A.S.I.A.R. collaborates with similar associations as a result of the direct involvement of its members in education, research, development, innovation and technology transfers. Association provides a coherent framework for collaboration with national and international authorities and initiates legislative initiatives. It promotes scientific concepts in research and production by organizing and participating in conferences and events, courses and trainings, it develops a specialized publication.



Address : Domneasca 111, corp F, sala F206 - 800201 Galati - ROMANIA

Phone : +40 336 130 181

web site :

Contact Person : Pr. Petru ALEXE - President, Lecturer - Christian DIMA - Member

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